The Internet provides us with so many business opportunities that it has become the new global business village for most people. With its infinite audience, the Internet is the place to go when you need to do business. So, in order to remain competitive, building a strong online presence is extremely important and branding has a great deal to do with this. You website brand should be able to propel your business to new heights. If not done well, it will leave it in the deepest, darkest recesses of cyberspace.
Here are a few website branding mistakes to stay away from:
Here are a few website branding mistakes to stay away from:
- Stay Away from Long Domain Names: Although it is tempting to use a long domain name, it is smarter to choose a name that is short, easy to remember, easy to spell and easy to pronounce. Of course this is a bit difficult, but if you are creative enough and think out-of-the-box, you’ll come across something that’s really cool. Try brainstorming a bit to find a list of words and keywords that are related to your business niche and then combine these words to make a name or try out a few combinations.
- Never ask a Friend or a Relative to Design your Site for you: Even if your nephew is a great designer and likes to design website, don’t accept his offer. Professional designers are the only way to go. There are many designers that provide services at affordable prices and will give your site that professional look it deserves.
- Think Big: While your headquarters may be in your bedroom or in a cyber cafĂ© next door, your customers don’t need to know that. Always look professional and use all the latest tools and services to create a website that’s more polished.
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